Crabby Cake

Just the way I see things…

Who? what? About me…

I’m just an average person.

I have a significant other and we have  a dog. He is my logic and reasoning. We currently have no plans for marriage and no plans for any sort of offspring. We are fine with it and you should be, too.

I was born in the California. But,I have lived in the Seattle-ish area for about 30 years.

I have the same name as a famous celebrity from a tv show about a dude named Charlie and some broads.

We reside in a little house in south Seattle.

I am a licensed massage therapist, currently doing other things than massage. Sorry, I don’t need anyone to “practice” on after 9 years, but thanks to all who offer.

I buy beer and wine for a living.

I do yoga once week. It has changed my life. It helps me love and be more understanding.

I’m over weight but changing the way I eat and live. FYI: Paxil will make you very fat. I changed my BMI from obese to overweight!

I knit but not all that well.

I walk about 20 miles a week.

I’m training for a half marathon. I did a half marathon! I’m still unsure if I ever want to do another one again…

I’m sort of bitchy, but you’d find me very boring otherwise.

I need lip balm.

I like winter.

I choose not to take antidepressants. I’ve taken 5-HTP for years and it suits me well.

I haven’t dyed my hair in years. I love my random grays!

I’m very interesting in food politics.

I am allergic to soy.

I am full of some useful and useless knowledge.

I have a superb memory… except I never know where my car keys are.

I pick my nose when you aren’t watching. Or I’m just adjusting my piercings.

I love lists.

I love dinosaurs.

I look forward to exercising!

I was eclectic just as much as a child, ask my mom.

I secretly adore you and want to be your friend.

I eat gluten free. I do not have Celiac. I feel night and day different without gluten, so that is the way I plan to live my life. WITHOUT.

The End.

Written by crabbycake

October 24, 2008 at 9:36 pm