Crabby Cake

Just the way I see things…

Posts Tagged ‘heart ache

No love for this week.

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This week was pretty decent. I had four days of. Yes, 4! It was nice and I did what I wanted. I had some great discovery moments. I got to be a geek and look at lots of christmas trees. I drink a nice bottle of wine over a few days. I consumed less sugar and coffee. I drank tea twice a day. I tried new product and recipes and they’re a total hit! I went to a stamping party…

But then there was the whole Porter thing. Wednesday ended with a lot of tears on my part. Thursday started with a lot of tears on Kevin’s part. Friday ended with Porter being a jerk and trying to nip me while I was sitting on the floor atempting yoga and playing with both dogs.

The whole situation is uneasy for Kevin and I for so many reasons. We had nothing but love and a secure home to offer and our hearts have been broken. There is a furry creature in our house that makes us not want to be in our house until he leaves, even though he seems very lazy and harmless. We are ready to move on. We still plan on being great hosts to him but I can’t wait for him to be gone when I come home on Sunday night.

So for this week, there will be no love list. We found something to love but it didn’t work out. I have plenty of things I’m in love with right now, but I’ll save them all for when there isn’t gloominess and strange tension in my house… When there isn’t a dog in my house, who I do love, who is trying to nip me when I reach out to pet him while I’m stretching. WTF.

I’ll post a love list on Wednesday, next week.

Written by crabbycake

November 13, 2009 at 11:10 pm

dogs need homes.

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We are in the process of trying to find another dog to adopt.
Yay dogs!
But, going to a shelter or reading why people have given up their dogs breaks my heart. Rips it in two, actually.
I had found a dog on Petfinder that I thought was cute and seemed like the right size, when I went to the shelter to have a look at her they said she was the first dog adopted that morning. So, I looked at the other dogs and I had to leave because I couldn’t handle all of them being without a home.
They were all howling and barking and I’m sure if they could speak I’m sure they would all say “Please pick me! I love car rides. I’ll hold down the couch or bed all day and make sure they don’t get stolen. I’ll try really hard not to slobber on the sliding glass door or car windows, but I might when I get really excited. I won’t chew on your shoes as long as you train me not to and give me other awesome things to chew on. I’ll take all biscuits that you offer me in a gentle manner. I’ll get off the couch when you tell me, and jump up when you tell me. Do you have a friend for me that already lives with you? Will you take me to the park? Will you please just fucking pick me because I can’t handle being in here, just like you can’t handle seeing all of us in here. Come on lady, LET’S GO HOME!”
If I had a massive SUV and insurance companies didn’t give a flying fuck about pit bulls, I’d have 25 new dogs to talk about.

Written by crabbycake

August 7, 2008 at 9:53 pm

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