Crabby Cake

Just the way I see things…

Posts Tagged ‘relationships

yes, I did mean swimming…

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A few years back, like 7 or so or in 2002, I dated this weird guy I had no business dating. He was a fairly nice guy, although definitely not the in the top 8 smartest.

His glory days were from when he played freshman football in highschool, drove a 96 300zx, had $25k in savings 3 years prior, and had worked for When I came across him, he was working at the co-op, drove a 85 300zx with a huge dent in front quarter panel, had no money on savings and the by the sounds of it had spent a lot of it on lap dances, had about $8,000 in credit card debt and had dreams about being a pro bowler…

So anyway…

We worked together. We both got off of work around 10pm. So I told him that I really wanted to go swimming after work. I told him not to forget to bring his suit and a towel.

We went to Kennydale Beach on Lake Washington. I love this beach for whatever reason and also they don’t really lock the gates at night, the park is right along a main road without it’s own parking lot.

So we get there and go out to the end of the dock. He seems really excited about spending time with me and such. I start to take of my shirt and he stops.He noticed I had my swimsuit on, apparently it wasn’t what he was expecting at all. He had only brought a towel.

“Oh, swimming.”

Of course I say “yes, swimming!” I prpbably go on about how swimming is really rad and its is one of the first things I remember learning to do other than basic life skills. I heart swimming!! And then it clicks..

“Oh?!? You thought I meant skinning dipping didn’t you?”

His response was that “No! Um, well yeah, kind of.” Of course he was pretty embarrassed about this, but did I care? Nope. I swam in the lake for an hour while he sat on the dock doing or thinking who knows what.

Yes, I did mean swimming.

Written by crabbycake

July 2, 2009 at 2:15 pm

See you next later…

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Kevin informed me that he would probably be going to Vancouver, Wa to help out his boss’ daughter with her business. (they all work in the insurance business)

This was some thing that had also been brought up in December but never amounted to much. As we were talking about it last night we were hoping it wouldn’t happen but if it did it would be okay and it wouldn’t be that long…

But, when I talked to Kevin this morning he told me it would be for a month.

A month? WTF? He’ll be home on weekends…

Um. Wow. So in his boss bailing out his daughter, he fucks with our lives? For a month? Um. Hi, we live and work in Seattle! Our lives run around things here. Our families live in the general Puget Sound vacinity, not Vancouver’s.

So Kevin will be gone for the month of June and I’ll be gone for half of August… There goes the summer.

I’m none to happy about this, and either is he.

Written by crabbycake

May 29, 2009 at 11:07 pm

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The joys of love and my relationship.

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I love you so much.

Sometimes it hurts, but not in a bad creepy way.

Sometimes I wish we were married.

Other times I’m glad we aren’t.

And yes, sometimes I get so angry that you don’t help me as much with household chores as much as I’d like that I’d take all of my Fiestaware and throw it into a massive heap and say “clean that shit up now, douche!” and run out the door and blow my share of the rent on shoes, an amazing dye job, and new Coach purse.

I love you, but some times you drive me nuts… just as much as I drive you nuts.

this post was brought to you by a full bottle of wine.

Written by crabbycake

March 21, 2009 at 9:38 pm