Crabby Cake

Just the way I see things…

Gluten free ice cream! Yay!

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La de da.

I’m working on my gluten free world. The other day we had sushi and I was fine after. But, we sort of wanted ice cream afterward.

I bought some of the new Haagen Dazs FIVE. It was awesome. But I was also curious about it. So I sent the folks at Haagen Dazs a little email about being gluten free. And I got a response back, less than 24 hours later. They were pretty nice in their letter and sent me a PDF file about their products regarding gluten and nut allergens.

Sweet. I know who I’m getting my ice cream from next time I’m at the store!

Written by crabbycake

March 4, 2010 at 4:40 pm

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